Article: King Richard III’s Bones Discovered Under A Parking Lot
By *****
Activity: Map Making
By Jonathan Tilly
1) Draw a map of ancient Leicester on paper. Use pencil crayons. Include castles, monasteries, markets, fields (battle & agriculture), etc.
2) Using marker and acetate, draw a map of Leicester today. Include buildings and spaces from our communities. Make sure to place a parking lot 20-25 km away from the battlefield. This is where the king’s bones were found!
Curriculum Connections
Compare aspects of life in a medieval community and their own community (e.g., with respect to housing, social structure, recreation, land use, geography, climate, food, dress, government); (OME, Social Studies: Grade 4).
draw and label maps or create models to illustrate features of medieval landscapes (e.g., a village, a castle or palace, a mosque with a minaret); (OME, Social Studies: Grade 4).