
Breaking News News Politics

Egypt’s President Says He’ll Leave In September

The people of Egypt have been protesting against their President, Hosni Mubarak. He has been in power for 30 years, and the people want him out. They say he hasn’t done enough for the country or the people.

Mubarak wants to stay in power. However, because so many people were angry with him, he now says he will not run for president again in September. (September is when an election is supposed to be held.)

Breaking News Politics Primary

Protests in Egypt (Primary Version)

A week ago, many people in Egypt became angry with their president, Hosni Mubarak. They wanted him to leave the country.

They were upset because many of them don’t have enough money for food or clothes.

The people who are mad at Mubarak think that a new president would be better. But President Mubarak doesn’t want to to stop being the president, and that’s why they are having a problem.


Self-Control Key To Healthy Adulthood

A new study shows that kids who have excellent self-control are more likely to grow into healthy, successful adults.

Having self-control means (among other things) having the ability to wait your turn, be neat and tidy and plan ahead.

Not having a lot of self-control doesn’t mean you won’t be successful as an adult. But the study showed that the kids who had greater self-control were less likely to become dependent on drugs, have health problems or commit a crime.


Thousands Honour Sgt. Ryan Russell

On Jan. 18, more than 12,000 people from across Canada and the United States attended the funeral of Sgt. Ryan Russell in Toronto. Police, emergency workers and thousands of Toronto residents came to honour Sgt. Russell’s memory and support his wife, Christine and their son, Nolan.

Sgt. Russell died in the line of duty, trying to stop a runaway snowplow. His death affected so many people, even those who had never met him. When a police officer dies, everyone cares.


Co-Workers Argue Over Lottery Prize

A group of co-workers at Bell Canada won $50-million in the lottery on New Year’s. However, they’re fighting about who chipped in for the Lotto Max ticket—and therefore who is entitled to a share of the winnings.
One woman in the office organized the lottery pool. Each month about 19 people put in $20 for lottery tickets. She says she has a list of who paid and who didn’t.
But some people who regularly go in on the pool are upset that they won’t get any of the money.


Homeless Man Has Golden Voice

The man has a voice of velvet: deep, rich and resonant. It’s a voice many radio announcers would love to have. A beautiful voice.

His name is Ted Williams. He is 53 years old, and he is homeless. He begs for money at the side of the highway in a town in Ohio.

But that is about to change for the better.

Lighter News

Bus Driver Leaves Passengers Overnight

Imagine going on a long trip on a bus… and then the bus pulls over… and the driver gets out… and checks into a hotel room!

That’s what happened in a small town in Northern Ontario recently. More than 100 passengers were stuck on the Greyhound bus for more than 14 hours.

They were heading west from White River, Ont., when they pulled into a gas station. The driver got out and told the passengers to “sit tight.” Then he checked into a hotel.


Message in a bottle

Talk about a slow postal system. More than two years ago, Cally Rumbolt’s father put a note in a bottle and set it adrift off the shores of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. This year, Sofi-Ona Hamer fished it out of the North Atlantic Ocean near Scotland. Cally’s dad is a fisherman, and in 2007 and 2008 he sent dozens of notes in bottles overboard in the hopes that someone would find them, and send a note to Cally.


Oxford’s Save the Words project

Saving words from “extinction.” What would you do if someone called you a “snollygoster”? Would you feel flattered or insulted? “Snollygoster” isn’t a word you hear every day. In fact, almost no one uses it anymore. And that’s the problem, […]


A Royal Wedding

He’s second in line to the British throne. She works for a children’s party-supplies store. They recently got engaged, and it’s likely that one day he will be King of England and she will be his Queen. Prince William proposed […]