Comments on: Your Political Primer To The Canadian Election Readable, teachable news. Mon, 12 Jun 2017 10:52:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Theresa May's Majority Becomes A Minority - Teaching Kids News Mon, 12 Jun 2017 10:52:29 +0000 […] Political party: A “political party” is a group of people who all think the same way about things. They think the same way about how a country should be run, how it should spend its money and what is most important. Here is some information on political parties in Canada. […]

By: The U.S. Election: What Is Going On? - Teaching Kids News Thu, 19 May 2016 16:36:20 +0000 […] The American parties are not really comparable to the Canadian political parties because their values (the things they believe in) are different, but if you had to compare them you could say the Democrats are a bit like Canada’s Liberals and the Republicans are a bit like Canada’s Conservatives. (That comparison is based on which party is more “left” and which party is more “right” — there’s more on that in this 2011 TKN article.) […]

By: Teaching Kids News"Because It's 2015" - Teaching Kids News Sun, 08 Nov 2015 19:32:20 +0000 […] *There is a good explanation of Canada’s political parties in this 2011 TKN article. […]

By: Political News Articles Canada Wed, 22 Oct 2014 08:50:39 +0000 […] Teaching Kids NewsA political primer for kids in Canada – the … – Timely, relevant news articles for kids, educators in the classroom and parents at home. >> […]

By: Website simplifies Canadian and international news Mon, 02 May 2011 16:03:53 +0000 […] Recent stories include such hot topics as Osama bin Laden Killed by US Forces (May 2, 2011) and Your Political Primer to the Canadian Election (April 5, […]

By: How to Raise a Future Voter « Take a Girl to Vote Wed, 27 Apr 2011 21:50:07 +0000 […] Sanagan suggests Teach Kids News’s “Your Political Primer to the Canadian Election” written just for […]

By: Voting: why we should hide our cynicism…. « Niagara Street Community Blog Thu, 14 Apr 2011 16:06:12 +0000 […] we’re not wild about politicians. For the political junkies amongst your kids here’s a introduction to the election written for kids that’s part of the online kids’ paper: Teaching Kids the News. If interested, Grade 6 […]

By: Canadian Election! | Wed, 13 Apr 2011 15:37:40 +0000 […] Create a free edublog to get your own comment avatar (and more!) […]
