Comments on: Astronaut Chris Hadfield Debuts Song From Space Readable, teachable news. Wed, 15 May 2013 21:41:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Commander Chris Hadfield, Canadian Hero and Education Disruptor | Creating an Open Classroom Wed, 15 May 2013 21:41:02 +0000 […] Here’s what Hadfield told CBC interviewer Jian Ghomeshi about why he’s so passionate about helping earthlings to understand his space journey: “This is something not only personally amazing to be part of, but it is a new thing within the human experience. And it’s way too good of an experience to keep to myself. It’s something that I think is really important to share. Ever since my first space flight, 17 years ago, I’ve been trying to describe to people just how incredible it is to see our world this way, and what it means to us as a species to start leaving Earth. And now I have the time–this isn’t a shuttle assembly flight–this is living in space and so I have the time to try and share it with everyone. And so I’m doing everything I can to ensure that people really get a sense of what it means and what it’s like.” Retrieved from: […]

By: » Space Day! Mrs Crawford's Class Wed, 13 Feb 2013 03:06:25 +0000 […] you can share with your children that we didn’t look at today is this Teaching Kids News page.  Let me know what you […]
