SALEM, Ohio — The old saying “a photo is worth 1,000 words” has never been so true as it is in today’s digital world, and this provides you with a great opportunity to promote your destination, hotel, museum, venue and even your group organization.
That opportunity is the overlooked but simple and affordable photo/video backdrop. People are taking more video and photos on tour than ever before, and they are always looking for the perfect background.
“It’s kind of the new saying, ‘If you give them a backdrop, they will promote it,’” said Charlie Presley of The Group Travel Family.
The Group Travel Family operates seven travel conferences and over 30 one-day events across the country and has seen a tenfold increase in the number of photos and videos taken by its delegates.
“This made us aware of the interest that people have in communicating via social media and the value that it presented to our conferences,” Presley said.
While those images were being distributed, they rarely communicated where the image came from, resulting in a lost opportunity to send a marketing message. It didn’t take long to solve the problem. In stepped StepandRepeatLA, the leading backdrop provider for Hollywood.
“StepandRepeatLA solved our problem by providing an easy to assemble, lightweight, affordable and professional backdrop that we can use anywhere,” Presley said. “Now when our delegates snap a photo for social media, our logo is included.” The backdrop also encourages people to take more photos because it gives the image of professionalism and allows people to re-create the same red-carpet-style photos they see coming from Hollywood events.
So, if you are reading this publication, you are in the travel industry and need a StepandRepeatLA backdrop. Just set it up in your lobby and watch the people flock to it and help spread the good word about you.
Contact StepandrepeatLA at 818-434-7591 or go to