“My wife hates it when I work from home.” -Banksy
Well, I can see why your wife would prefer that you continued to keep your art in your … er … office, Banksy. (Banksy’s office, of course, normally being the outsides of buildings.)
Banksy, you cheeky, cheeky anonymous editorial street artist, you. Even in a pandemic you find a way to be amazing.
You are definitely One Good Thing.
TKN’s Other Banksy Article
While you’re here, check out another article we wrote (pre-pandemic) about a Banksy art prank. It’s so good. Students love this one. https://teachingkidsnews.com/2018/10/14/million-dollar-banksy-painting-shreds-itself/
Aaaand, since you’re still here, check out my friend’s book–Who is Tanksy? It’s a quick read for middle-grade kids and I think you’ll really enjoy it. Author Bev Katz Rosenbaum’s website lists where you can buy it online.